Colleen O’Toole Presented Chief Operating Officer Award at 2019 CSuite Awards

Congratulations to Dr. O’Toole – and all the finalists and winners at the 2019 CSuite Awards!

By Christa Hyson, Senior Manager, External Relations

On August 22nd the Cincinnati Business Courier held the 5th annual C-Suite Awards, honoring top executives whose leadership and skills have helped shape their companies. These awards recognized CEO, CFO, COO, CLO, CMO, and CTO leaders in the Greater Cincinnati community. The Health Collaborative’s Chief Administrative Officer – Colleen O’Toole, PhD, was selected as the winner for the COO category.

Dr. O’Toole has spent her 27-year career working to improve the health and well-being of others in our community. From her early days as a dental hygienist up through today’s diplomatic work with The Health Collaborative’s many member hospitals and other diverse stakeholders, she has kept community & population health top-of-mind and engineered her efforts to find common ground and maximize mutually-beneficial results. Never forgetting that the healthcare industry is composed of people, she brings compassion, understanding, and wisdom to every interaction, and strives to infuse our organization’s work with a spirit of equity and inclusion.

Dr. O’Toole has accomplished much throughout her career, but perhaps the most impressive has been her long-standing role as a diplomat and relationship cultivator to our member hospitals and health systems. The Health Collaborative serves 58 hospitals comprising 10 health systems; more than 1,200 physician practices; and over 10,000 physicians utilizing its products and services. At the center of the relationship management and strategic planning for all of this activity is Dr. O’Toole, offering her insights and institutional knowledge each step of the way. These organizations, while often in direct competition with one another, are afforded the opportunity through The Health Collaborative (and in part, Dr. O’Toole’s expert diplomacy) to come to the table and find common, mutually-beneficial solutions to some of the industry’s toughest challenges. She always remains neutral, practical, and sensitive to the unique needs and challenges of each organization while keeping the community’s best interests close to her heart. This has led to continued positive results and growth for our organization.

Throughout her career, Dr. O’Toole has always been drawn by opportunities to make a difference in others’ lives a characteristic reflected by her professional, personal, and community investments in Cincinnati over the years. Our team at The Health Collaborative is fortunate enough to benefit from this daily, as she challenges staff to think differently about critical issues for the Cincinnati community such as diversity and inclusion, growing the healthcare workforce pipeline, and community impact. While leading health and healthcare improvement efforts in Greater Cincinnati over the last 26 years, Dr. O’Toole has contributed equally to the community in which it serves during this time, serving on numerous boards and committees all dedicated to improving the vibrancy of life for all people in our region.

Colleen serves as Vice Chair of the Hoxworth Blood Center board and is a member of: United Way’s Health Task Force; Cincinnati USA Chamber’s Government Affairs Committee; the UC Master of Public Health Program’s Community Advisory Committee; and the Hamilton County We Thrive Leadership Team. She is a member of the Cincinnati Women’s Executive Forum, and serves on The LifeCenter Organ Donor Network Board of Directors and participates in their Finance Committee. Nationally, she is a member of the American Hospital Association’s Regional Policy Board for Region 5, and is a past chair of the national Conference of Metropolitan & Regional Hospital Associations.

Congratulations to Dr. O’Toole – and all the finalists and winners at the 2019 CSuite Awards!

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