Hope Arthur Promoted to Executive Director, Workforce Innovation

With healthcare job vacancy rates at an all-time high, Arthur has been instrumental in identifying the critical gaps and working with partners to find solutions.

The Health Collaborative (THC) has promoted Hope Arthur to Executive Director, Workforce Innovation. 

With healthcare job vacancy rates at an all-time high, Arthur has been instrumental in identifying the critical gaps and working with partners to create and implement both short and long-term solutions.

Arthur leads THC’s efforts to convene employer-led partnerships that build and enhance the region’s healthcare talent pipeline. With partners, she is identifying, addressing, and removing barriers that limit people’s ability to pursue and earn healthcare credentials and degrees. She also assists the region’s healthcare employers in identifying and implementing new employee attraction, retention, and advancement strategies.

THC’s Workforce Innovation workstream has expanded considerably under Arthur’s leadership as she continually strives to identify and secure funding, and leverages the public and proprietary employer workforce data managed by THC to connect education partners and community-based organizations to the work. Another major focus of Arthur’s work is to help ensure more diverse, underrepresented populations have better support, access to, and success in earning healthcare credentials and degrees.

Some examples of these successes under Arthur include:

Bringing in new grant funding to grow our workforce innovation efforts and provide program development and financial supports to our employer, education, and community partners to build new talent pipelines and provide needed student and employee supportive services

Creating a new Medical Assistant Apprenticeship in partnership with Cincinnati State, Mercy Health, and TriHealth. The program has grown from 11 apprentices in the first cohort to 25 in the third, with 100% of the apprentices completing the program earning their certification

Convening the new SW Ohio Healthcare Education and Workforce Coalition partners (Cincinnati State, Great Oaks, Butler Tech, Warren County Career Center, and Tech Prep) to identify barriers in the nursing talent pipeline – and advocate for needed changes to improve student and adult access and success in the education pathways. This work is now expanding to convening quarterly statewide meetings of healthcare education and workforce leaders to increase the healthcare education pipeline through advocacy for smart regulation, collaboration with regional and state partners, sharing innovative practices, and pursuing financial resources.

Building and expanding new TAP Health programs such as TAP RN Diversity and TAP Remote, while also launching the programs in a Summer Academy format to allow increased student participation. Additionally, Arthur and her team are supporting partners in building new quality healthcare career exploration and work-based learning programs for middle and high school students.

TAP Health cohort kicks off 2022 Summer Academy

“If you ask me about why I think I am finding success – it has more to do with me seeking out and working with ‘partners-of-the-willing’ to improve and increase the healthcare talent pipeline in Greater Cincinnati,” Arthur shares. “Two of my top strategies include aligning myself with individuals determined to ‘find a way to yes’ and with those who live the adage ‘a rising tide lifts all ships.’ I believe my applying of this practical approach to innovation has helped me immensely in growing the region’s talent pipeline.”

Join us in congratulating Hope Arthur on her promotion and many achievements, as well as her dedication to building and strengthening the region’s healthcare talent pipeline. For more information about the programs and initiatives encompassed by our Workforce Innovation department – and made possible by our partner hospitals and organizations – please visit https://workforce.healthcollab.org/.

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