New Workforce Data Dashboard Unveiled, Empowering Greater Cincinnati’s Healthcare Landscape

Including diversity data within the local healthcare workforce, a first for the region


Cincinnati — The Health Collaborative (THC) has launched its Healthcare Workforce Data Dashboard, providing a comprehensive and equity-focused perspective on the healthcare workforce landscape in Greater Cincinnati. This effort was created by analyzing data from THC’s annual Employer Workforce Survey, as well as from JobsEQ, a national labor market analytic tool.

Identifying Needs with an Equity Lens:
The genesis of this initiative lies in THC’s 2021 Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP), outlining the need for a data dashboard with a specific equity lens. Strengthening the workforce pipeline and diversity, including cultural competence within the healthcare ecosystem was identified as one of three priorities in the CHIP. This dashboard now will provide a mechanism to measure both our current state as well as progress.

Empowering Decision-Making:
Key uses of this data include assisting employers, education institutions, and community partners in accessing regional data to identify healthcare workforce needs. Furthermore, it serves as a vital tool for strategic planning and investment decisions, fostering collaboration and aiding in pursuing future funding opportunities.

Navigating the Healthcare Story:
The dashboard takes users on a journey through the healthcare narrative in Greater Cincinnati. It begins with an overview of the total healthcare market and seamlessly guides users through the region’s healthcare workforce demand, culminating in exploring the healthcare workforce supply.

Diverse Data Sources:
Highlighting both the THC-produced Employer Workforce Survey and JobsEQ data, the dashboard provides a holistic view of the healthcare workforce. Notably, it introduces a groundbreaking feature – diversity data within the local healthcare workforce, a first for the region.

Hope Arthur, Executive Director of Workforce Innovation at The Health Collaborative, stated, “This dashboard represents a significant leap forward in our commitment to fostering an inclusive and responsive healthcare ecosystem in Greater Cincinnati. By putting powerful data at the fingertips of our partners, we empower them to make informed decisions that positively impact our community’s health and well-being.”

Explore the Workforce Data Dashboard at

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