Regional Healthcare Heroes Recognized by Business Courier

The Cincinnati Business Courier has recognized the latest group of Healthcare Heroes in Greater Cincinnati, and our regional hospital steering committee is on the roster.
“‘It would have been lonelier and scarier’…
Radical transparency anchored Greater Cincinnati’s healthcare response to the pandemic, leaving no small hospital behind…”


Thus begins the Cincinnati Business Courier article profiling the latest group of Healthcare Heroes named in Greater Cincinnati.


At the very start of the COVID-19 pandemic, hospital C-suite leaders set aside the usual competition to join together and fight the spread of the disease. A steering committee made up of 12 leaders was formed to help guide our region’s response and create a pandemic playbook. The regional hospital steering committee, as it became known, was virtually unique in its dedication to collaboration, information-sharing, and reliance on real-time data through the regional Health Information Exchange (HIE) they have helped build together through the years with The Health Collaborative.


“Craig Brammer, CEO of the Health Collaborative and the national Network for Regional Healthcare Improvement, of which the Health Collaborative is a member, called Cincinnati the envy of other cities. He makes frequent visits to Washington, D.C., per his role, and the steering committee’s work has been commended frequently.”

“How morning huddles and a vow to share data and supplies set Cincinnati health systems up to beat back the pandemic:”


The Cincinnati Business Courier has profiled the steering committee members and their experiences throughout the formation of the regional playbook and on the front lines of fighting the spread. CLICK HERE to read the longform article.


Image credit: Cincinnati Business Courier

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