Rumor Control: A Word on COVID-19 from Christa Hyson, MPH, PIO

Our Public Information Officer checks in with some sound advice and resources on COVID-19.



When a new virus like Coronavirus or COVID-19 emerges in the world, there are many questions.


It is normal to be concerned about COVID-19, but now is the time to prepare – not to panic. Our region has a long track record of working collaboratively in matters effecting health and healthcare.

This includes a very active and ongoing emergency preparedness program managed by The Health Collaborative.


The Health Collaborative (THC) is taking an active role to support our region during the current COVID-19 outbreak through our Greater Cincinnati Disaster Preparedness Coalition (DPC). The DPC’s primary role is to facilitate regional coordination and collaboration among all Coalition members in their response to COVID-19. Members include hospitals, emergency medical services, emergency management, public health and other community partners in the Tristate region.


In a time of uncertainty, social media can become a platform for rumors and misinformation. THC works closely with the Ohio Department of Health (ODH) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to learn about the most up-to-date COVID-19 developments and best practices. We are aware of harmful misinformation about COVID-19 being spread both locally and nationally, making it even more important for our region to rely on trusted sources of information like the CDC and our state and local public health agencies.

“It is important for our region to rely on trusted sources of information like the CDC and our state and local public health agencies.”

The Ohio Department of Health updates its COVID-19 website every day at 2p.m. with current data on individuals being monitored or tested for the virus, and results.


Right now, the most important thing for Greater Cincinnati residents to do is to continue the prevention measures they would use for any respiratory virus:

  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
  • Cover coughs and sneezes with your elbow or upper arm.
  • Contain germs by staying home when ill.

For more information about COVID-19 visit:  For media inquiries, please contact me by email. The Health Collaborative takes its role very seriously in times of public health outbreaks, and as Public Information Officer, I am committed to bringing only the most trusted and relevant information to its members, partners, and stakeholders. 



Christa Hyson, MPH
Senior Manager, External Relations
Public Information Officer, Greater Cincinnati Disaster Preparedness Coalition

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