Staff Spotlight: Sandy Street, Accounting Clerk

Find out why Sandy is an invaluable, understated hero and staff favorite.

Any organization would be lost without its administrative support staff, and none more so than the ones who cut the checks and pay the bills.


Our Accounting Clerk Sandy Street has been with THC since 2011, and in those 9 years she’s been quietly supporting some of the most groundbreaking work in healthcare – behind the scenes.


Since she isn’t one to talk about herself much until you scratch the surface, we made some time to ask Sandy a few questions. Read on to find out why she is an invaluable, understated hero and staff favorite.

Q: Hi, Sandy! Since you’re so detail-oriented at work, what is your favorite thing to do outside work to de-stress and unwind?
A: Walking with my dog because I like to watch him see new things he hasn’t seen before.


Q: What would your perfect meal entail?
A: Grilled steak, baked potato, & steamed veggies at Ruby Tuesday’s.


Q: What was your favorite outdoor activity as a child?
A: My favorite outdoor activity was kickball. With FIVE brothers I was quite the tomboy and we played kickball with all the neighborhood kids whenever the weather allowed.


Q: What was the first concert you ever went to?
A: I went to Deer Park High School to see Free in my freshman year and my first real concert was The Who.


Q: What are your favorite songs from your teenage years that you still rock out to when nobody is listening?
A: I Hear You Knocking, Stairway to Heaven, & R-E-S-P-E-C-T


Q: What food could you not live without?
A: Pizza with pepperoni & green onions!


Q: If you were a superhero, what would you want your superpower to be?
A: I would want the ability to fly and skip all the traffic on the roads and highways.


Q: If you could have dinner with any person living or dead, who would it be and why?
A: My Dad, I would want to tell him everything that has happened in my life since 1983 and if he is happy with my decisions.


Q: What’s the greatest piece of advice you’ve received?
A: Don’t sweat the small stuff.


Q: What would you like to do when you retire? 
A: Travel & volunteer. I would first start traveling in every state in the US and go from there. As far as volunteering, I would like to volunteer at hospitals and schools. My aunt gave me that advice.



Get in touch with Sandy to talk family, her spirit of service, and her love of classic rock & soul!

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