Press Release
May 3, 2021
Ashley Auciello
Manager, Brand & Content
(513) 618-3600
The Health Collaborative Awarded HHS Grant to Improve COVID-19 Vaccination Data
CINCINNATI, OH – The Health Collaborative is among 22 organizations nationwide to receive funding from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Acts (CARES Act). The funds will expand immunization information sharing among health care organizations in the Cincinnati region through The Health Collaborative’s Health Information Exchange (HIE) system.
“As COVID-19 vaccines become more readily available, improved data sharing among health systems will be even more essential in measuring and tracking health outcomes,” stated Alex Vaillancourt, Chief Information Officer and Senior Vice President of Informatics at The Health Collaborative.
This award will allow The Health Collaborative to build on its existing health data services by providing opportunities such as tracking vaccination progress, and connecting clinicians to high-risk patients or those who need a second dose of the vaccine.
Enhanced interoperability means faster and better data sharing for local health systems. But this new investment will also paint a more complete picture of a patient – pre- and post-vaccination – by delivering more insight into potential health problems and long-term health outcomes than is currently available.
Cincinnati has been among the hardest hit cities, with COVID-19 related hospitalizations and deaths reaching devastating levels through the end of last year. In response, HIE services will now be more efficient to support communities like ours that have been disproportionately impacted by the pandemic.
The Health Collaborative’s HIE service line, HealthBridge, is the largest in the nation, offering products such as consulting, education, and health technology solutions, and facilitates data-sharing among hospitals and healthcare systems to address healthcare and health equity challenges.
The Health Collaborative is a non-profit, data-driven organization founded in 2015 in Cincinnati, Ohio. The Health Collaborative brings together healthcare stakeholders in Greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky for the good of the community, and provides them with the actionable data they need for healthier people, better care and lower costs. For more information, please visit