The Health Collaborative Awarded Funding from Governor’s Office of Workforce Transformation

Funding supports collaboration between businesses, education and training providers

(COLUMBUS, Ohio)—Ohio Lt. Governor Jon Husted, Director of the Governor’s Office of Workforce Transformation, announced on January 3 that 13 workforce partnerships located throughout the state will receive a total of $2.45 million in awards through the Industry Sector Partnership (ISP) Grant. The program supports local collaborations that help bring Ohioans into the workforce pipeline while meeting the needs of job creators and the local economy.

The selected partnerships will focus on multiple in-demand industry sectors including information technology, manufacturing, healthcare, transportation and aerospace.

“Those who collaborate best are the ones who win,” said Lt. Governor Jon Husted. “These partnerships connect educators and businesses and through that collaboration, a local job training network is created to help students prepare for the most in-demand careers available in their communities.”

Awarded partnerships include:

  • The Health Collaborative Workforce Advisory Council
  • Montgomery County Child Care and Early Child Education Workforce Partnership
  • Raise the Bar Hancock County
  • ConxusNEO Industry Sector Partnerships
  • Firelands Tourism, Hospitality, and Main Street Business Alliance
  • Central Ohio Construction Accelerator Partnership
  • Lorain County Manufacturing Sector Partnership
  • Southwest Ohio Information Technology Industry Sector Partnership
  • Central Ohio Healthcare Sector Partnership
  • Northeast Ohio Polymer Industry Sector Partnership
  • Northeast Ohio Construction Skilled Trades Workforce Development
  • Workforce Connect Manufacturing Sector Partnership
  • Cuyahoga County Workforce Connect Healthcare Sector Partnership (WC-HSP)

Industry Sector Partnerships are designed to develop regional workforce strategies, with the goal of driving collaboration between local businesses, education and training providers, and community stakeholders. These grants will help support the operations of both new and existing Industry Sector Partnerships around Ohio.

“These grants are particularly effective because local partners are making the decisions that will benefit their communities,” said Lydia Mihalik, director of the Ohio Department of Development. “Workers benefit because training programs are built around the specific needs of businesses in their areas.”

Ohio has invested nearly $7.5 million in Industry Sector Partnerships over the last three years. The first and second round of the Industry Sector Partnership Grant program awarded 25 partnerships a total of $5.03 million.

Learn more about The Health Collaborative’s Workforce Innovation programs by visiting

Learn more about the Industry Sector Partnership Grant by visiting 

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