Zoo Days: Healthcare Workers Appreciation Days

Cincinnati Zoo is offering healthcare workers FREE admission starting on World Health Day, April 7, through April 10.

Cincinnati Zoo is offering healthcare workers FREE admission starting on World Health Day, April 7, through April 10.

Friends and family visiting with healthcare personnel may purchase up to 6 additional tickets at half price.

To show appreciation for all you have done for our community over the past two years, this offer is extended to the front-line healthcare workers (doctors, nurses, care aides, and paramedics to name a few) who have been working so hard to keep our community healthy and safe. Badges and identification cards are accepted only if accompanied by a photo ID. All IDs must reference specific healthcare duty.

Professional credentials, along with a valid government-issued photo ID must be presented at the Cincinnati Zoo to take advantage of this offer, therefore tickets must be picked up at the Zoo.

Bonus – The first Tunes and Blooms concert is on Thursday, April 7, so visitors can stick around to enjoy a FREE concert at 6pm.

CLICK HERE to view the Zoo web page.

CLICK HERE to view the event post on our website. 

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