Kemi’ Goode-Mayo, Cincinnati Health Department: Healthcare Workers Appreciation Days at the Zoo

As a CPS school nurse, Goode-Mayo has helped keep children enrolled in the Cincinnati public school system safe and healthy.

The Health Collaborative is partnering with Cincinnati Zoo and Hamilton County to offer Healthcare Workers Appreciation Days at the Zoo this weekend.

The Zoo is offering healthcare workers FREE admission starting on World Health Day (April 7) through April 10.

A select group of healthcare heroes will be honored at the zoo this Thursday, April 7 for their tremendous resolve and dedication to our communities, and to upholding the principles of public health during an unprecedented global crisis.

As a CPS school nurse, honoree Kemi’ Goode-Mayo, BSN, RN has gained unique perspective and experience from the shifting priorities of the pandemic.

We asked her to give us an idea of what she and her team have gone through while keeping our community’s children safe from the virus.

Q: Hi, Kemi’! Start by telling us your full title, and how long you’ve been in the healthcare space.

A: I am Public Health Nurse/Team Leader for the School and Adolescent Health Program for the cincinnati Health Department, and I’ve been in healthcare 8 years.

Q: What do you love most about your job?

A: What I love most about my job is working with my kiddos! Even though they are not technically my kids I have a responsibility to ensure I do everything I can to make sure they receive the best and safe care within CPS.

When the students first came back during COVID I was terrified because I was at a school where students ranged from K-12 all in one building! That became the best experience of my life. Being a school nurse is fun, rewarding, and keeps a smile on my face every day.

Q: Can you describe for us what it’s like working in healthcare during COVID?

A: It’s almost like a surprise birthday party. You know it’s coming because someone “secretly” told you, but you’re still not prepared for it…that’s the best way I can explain it!

Q: Do you have any notable stories or stats related to COVID to share?

A: Working six days out the week for a year straight we formed a family amongst CHD and the agency staff nurses. If it was not for our wonderful nurses, upper administration, and our amazing Public Health Preparedness team all the COVID vaccine and testing sites would have not been possible.

Q: What is your favorite zoo animal or exhibit?

A: I love giraffes! They stand out in the crowd like we all should!

“The past few years have been challenging, and nowhere have those challenges been greater felt than with the heroic work playing out on the front lines and behind the scenes in our healthcare community,” said Craig Brammer, CEO of The Health Collaborative. “Our healthcare community put everything else aside to come together for the good of our region. And I believe, because of these people who put others’ health above their own, we’re coming out of this crisis stronger for it.”

Goode-Mayo and seven of her healthcare peers from across the region’s health systems will be honored this Thursday morning at the Cincinnati Zoo, with a program and proclamation by Hamilton County officials. CLICK HERE for more about Zoo Days: Healthcare Workers Appreciation Days, and CLICK HERE to read the press release.

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