Vivek Alamuri: TAP Health Summer Workshop at THC [PHOTOS]

Vivek Alamuri, a rising senior at Indian Hill High School, is our student “reporter” in the TAP MD program.


TAP MD and TAP HC are programs designed to help high school students “tap” into their potential to fulfill a career as a physician or in the healthcare field. Students will experience events that provide information on types of medical specialties, how to apply for medical school and what different healthcare paths are available – from IT to home health – to physical therapy. Click here to learn more about our TAP HEALTH initiative. 

Click here to read Vivek’s takeaways from a recent TAP MD experience at The HealthCare Connections Inc. at Lincoln Heights Health Center in Evendale.

Reflections on TAP Health Summer Workshop, July 25

Today, we visited The Health Collaborative’s office for a day filled with lots of speakers and guests! I’d like to start out by thanking all of the people on the panels for taking time out of their busy days to come spend time answering our questions and sharing their experiences so profoundly. I would also like to thank all of the individuals that made this event-packed day possible and run so smoothly! Our day started out with a wonderful breakfast bar in the back of the room with mini donuts, blueberry muffins, bagels, and an array of toppings for yogurts. We spent the first hour listening to four different individuals in healthcare, but outside medicine. A health attorney, company executive, epidemiologist (someone who studies epidemics) and a pharmacist. Each of them gave an insightful view into what they do, in their job and outside of it, so we could get a sense of their work-life balance. The biggest thing I took away from this panel is that there are a wide range of opportunities in healthcare than direct medicine.

Seeing Opportunities in a New Light

After a short break and a tour of The Health Collaborative office we did the Stop the Bleed Training with the help of nurses from UC Health and Cincinnati Children’s. I had never heard of this before and I found it to be a very important and critical skill in times of need. We learned how to stop bleeding using different methods: pressure, packing and tourniquets. We practiced applying these skills on mannequin arms and the tourniquets on each other for practice. I hope I never have to use it, but I’m prepared just in case.

Next, we had a panel of psychiatrists during lunch: Dr. Lawson Wulsin, MD and Dr. Brian Evans, DO. Both seemed to be very involved and happy in what they do, based on what I felt during my interactions and others’ conversations with them. It was particularly insightful to have an allopathic and osteopathic doctor on the panel for comparison in various regards. To my surprise, however, I learned that the two are now becoming closer and closer and will eventually merge together when I was asking about the two paths.

Lastly, we had an interactive presentation and activities on the importance of communication and professionalism. Ms. Jill Collet coached us about the ins and outs of an ideal professional email. I knew a lot of this stuff, and I’m certain the others did too, but it was presented in a new light, which I deeply appreciate. She also helped dissipate the sketchy clouds around the word “networking” and how to put yourself out there, so opportunities present themselves. I ended up getting LinkedIn after this discovery! In conclusion, I had a great time with all the professionals and events at the Tap Health Summer Workshop and I’m really looking forward to the next one!

~ Vivek Alamuri, IHHS



Previous articles by Vivek:


The Health Collaborative would like to extend our warmest thanks to all of the TAP HEALTH workshop presenters. They include:

Healthcare Panel
Shaun P. Keegan, Clinical Pharmacy Specialist, University of Cincinnati Medical Center
Jeremiah Kirkland, Executive Director, TriHealth
Jenna Moran, Associate General Counsel, TriHealth
Elizabeth Whelan, Chief, Field Research Branch, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Stop the Bleed
Team Lead: Margot Daugherty, RN, Education Specialist, Trauma Service, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center

Psychiatry Panel
Brian Evans, DO, Associate Professor of Clinical Psychiatry, Director of Residency Training, UC Health; Cincinnati VA Medical Center
Lawson Wulsin, MD, Professor of Psychiatry, UC Health & Christ Hospital

Professional Communications Expert
Jill Collett, Learning Systems Manager, The Health Collaborative

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