Greater Cincinnati COVID-19 Assessment Sites

To keep patients and residents in our region safe, please follow these guidelines.

Christa Hyson, MPH
Senior Manager, External Relations
(513) 247-5254




Greater Cincinnati COVID-19 Assessment Sites

In times of rapidly changing information, it is important to follow the guidelines to protect our healthcare workforce


Our region has a long track record of working collaboratively in matters effecting health and healthcare. The COVID-19 outbreak is no exception. Through The Health Collaborative’s Greater Cincinnati Disaster Preparedness Coalition, we are able to facilitate regional coordination and collaboration among all Coalition members in response to COVID-19.


To keep patients and residents in our region safe, please follow the below guidelines. This is imperative so our hospitals are not over capacity and our most vulnerable patients can be treated first. Many individuals with mild symptoms will not need to be tested and will be instructed to stay home and self-quarantine. Due to limited resources, testing is reserved for the sickest patients at this time.


If you have symptoms and suspect you have been exposed:

    • DO NOT go to the Emergency Department for a test.
    • Contact your Primary Care Doctor.
      • If you do not have one, call the closest urgent care.
    • If you qualify for testing – your Doctor will provide further instruction.

You will NOT be tested without a Doctor’s referral. Appointments are required for all COVID-19 tests. For additional information, please contact your Primary Care Doctor or closest urgent care center. Again, do not arrive to a hospital without a Doctor’s referral for testing.


The most important thing for Greater Cincinnati residents to do is to continue prevention measures:

    • Follow social distancing procedures outlined by local and state governments.
    • Clean your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
    • Cover coughs and sneezes with your elbow or upper arm.
    • Stay home from work/ school/ activities if you are feeling ill.
    • If you are a high-risk individual, please review these extra precautions.


For more information about COVID-19 visit:




About The Health Collaborative: The Health Collaborative is a non-profit organization that leads data-driven improvements that result in healthier people, better care and lower costs. For more information about The Health Collaborative, visit

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